Lumbar Disc Herniation Exercises
Lumbar Extensor Strengthening
Lumbar Extensor Strengthening Exercises
Do not do these exercises if they cause any pain or discomfort. If your pain continues see your healthcare provider or physical therapist as soon as possible.
Back extension without arms supporting
- Lying face down, place the arms by the side of the body.
- Gently pull in the lower stomach muscles to activate the core muscles and protect the spine.
- Raise the upper body off the floor. Keep breathing throughout the exercise.
- If you feel any tension in the lower back return to the start position and rest for a few breaths.
- This will allow the muscles to relax before you perform a second lift.
- A slightly more challenging option is to then raise the arms off the floor. This will increase the effort of the extensor muscles of the spine.
- Hold the position for 10 seconds.
- Repeat 10 times.
Back extension with arms supporting
- Lying face down. Bring the arms to a bent arm position so that the forearms rest on the floor as shown in the photo.
- Gently pull the stomach muscles in to protect the spine.
- Gently raise the body off the ground whilst gently resting on the forearms.
- Avoid using your arms to lift you up, instead, lightly rest on the forearms and use your back muscles to lift you. Avoid hyper-extending the spine to avoid ‘pinching’ the lower back.
- Hold the position for 10 seconds and then return to the resting position.
- Repeat 10 times.
Plank with knees bent to strengthen the core muscles
- The plank is a ‘strong’ exercise.
- A good way to start is with knees bent.
- Bend the arms and place the forearms on the floor. With knees bent, keep the trunk of the body off the ground.
- Hold for 10 seconds and then rest.
- Over time increase the time in the position to 20 seconds, 30 seconds and eventually 60 seconds. If you start to shake, take a rest.
- Repeat 2 or 3 times.
Bridge Curl
- Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip width apart.
- Slowly and gently lift the spine off the floor one vertebrae at a time.
- Slowly lower the spine back to the floor, again one vertebrae at a time.
- If the core muscles are weak, the movement can feel ‘jerky’. Over time, the movement will become more smooth.
- Repeat the movement 5 times.
Table Top
- Start in the ‘table top’ position.
- Gently draw in your lower stomach muscles to activate your core muscles.
- It is good to imagine that you are keeping a tray on your back with glass of water that you wish to balance.
- Gently lift one arm whilst maintaining your balance. If that feels easy, then repeat this with eyes closed.
- Alternate arm lifts.
- Check that your lower stomach muscle contraction is maintained.
- Repeat 10 times.